Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How do I Love thee, President Obama

Tonight President Obama is speaking the truth. Tonight he is setting the record straight. Health Insurance should be affordable, and every American should be covered, including the poor, the sick and the rich.

Insurance Companies have gotten away with charging ridiculous rates for premiums, denying services for those covered and paying their bills, and with paying their executives tens of millions of dollars. Every cent insurance companies saves by denying coverage like Nataline Sarkisyan's liver transplant, goes into the pockets of those companies' executive's pay.

Finally we have a President who has our backs. He cares more about the average, hard working Americans who have fallen on hard times more than the money that's being shoved in his pocket by insurance company lobbyists. We need someone whose number one priority is the welfare of the citizens of this country and it seems as though Obama is that person. He is smart and he cares about the underdog; he cares about me; he cares about my mom; he cares about my friends.

I have many personal 1st hand stories of why we need health care reform. One of my closest friends was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 24 and died at the age of 26. His first doctor fucked up and didn't get diagnoses correct which caused a terrible ripple effect leading to liver cancer and then death. He was 26. His health insurance was getting so expensive that our employer asked him to quit. He had to pay all his medical expenses out of pocket. Luckily his family was able to pay.

My parents closed their business and moved to Virginia. My mom was insured by Kaiser in California and she was paying her bills on time. Once she moved to Virginia she had to apply separately for coverage in Virginia's Kaiser. Virginia's Kaiser rejected her because she has a pre-existing conditions. United Health Care also rejected her because of her pre-existing condition. Why the hell would Virginia's Kaiser reject her if California's accepted her?

We need a government health care option for people like my mom. Middle class, hard working people who need to have their backs covered.

It's time for the lies from the right to cease. People need to open their eyes, stop being selfish and see how our government is helping the majority of the people and we need to give President Obama's health bill a chance.

[This doesn't mean I'm not upset about Obama's policy on Armenia and his not saying Armenian Genocide on April 24th like he promised before he got elected.]


Mustache Bike Party said...

The democrats need to stop trying to compromise with the right wing and push these policies through.

Qanths said...

It's great that Obama is talking about improving the U.S.'s health insurance, I know we should give him some more time but until now how has he applied all that he says he will do?

Harry Simitian -