Monday, September 29, 2008

Joe Biden: please rip Sarah Palin a new one

Oh my goodness I am giddy with excitement for the debate on Thursday between the Vice Presidential candidates. I hope for Americans sake that Biden rips Palin a new one.

Biden should treat her the exact same as he would if she was a man. I remember one thing clearly, when Biden questioned Condi Rice about the Iraq war a few years ago during a Senate committee hearing and he leaned over his desk and yelled at her with the angriest face I have ever seen, because she was pushing for a war that his son was going to have to go fight.

Biden's son is in the military too for those folks who don't know. You probably don't know because Biden isn't trying to use his son's service in the military as a talking point to get more votes. In fact Biden's son is the Attorney General of Delaware and if Biden becomes VP, the governor of Delaware was going to appoint his son to the Senate seat but he can't because his son is getting ready to be deployed to the Middle East.

Also what is the McCain campaign trying to hide by preventing Sarah Palin from answering questions from reporters off the cuff? The night after the first debate between McCain and Obama, Biden was on many news shows discussing the debate and Palin was notably absent/silent. If the McCain campaign doesn't have enough confidence in Palin's ability to answer questions from the Press that she hasn't preped for, than how the hell can they have trust in her to be Vice President?!

This election is absolutely critical and McCain, instead of listening to his instincts and going with his first choice for VP Joe Lieberman, or even his second choice Tom Ridge, he decided to play the game and pick a candidate he hardly knows and clearly doesn't trust in order to pick off women voters.

What is so puzzling to me is that Palin cares for woman just as much as she cares about democrats...which is very little. She doesn't support equal pay for woman, and she doesn't support a woman's right to choose. Ok fine I'll give her the whole choice thing but how can anyone in this day in age not support legislation that would mandate that women get paid the same amount of money men do in their jobs?

Also now that I'm a mom I can't tell you how hard juggling your old life with your new life. I'm not going to judge her for accepting the nomination for VP, despite the fact that she has a brand new baby with special needs and a teenage daughter who is pregnant. However, there are a few extremely clear points that need to be stated here:
1. She has chosen Country first (over her family)
2. Abstinence only programs clearly haven't worked
3. She is totally irresponsible for having sex with her husband at age 42 without birth control, having already had 4 kids, and knowing the risk of having a Down Syndrome baby is huge.

Just because she can give a good speech and she's pretty, she shouldn't be seen as a good leader. I hope Biden rips her a new one.

The CRASH of the US as we know it

Wow. So as if a new mom isn't busy enough, I can't help but take a moment and write what I feel and think about this bailout and the House of Representatives voting against it.

Wow. Wow. This could either be a horrible thing or a good thing. Because the bill lost by only 20 votes, the Democrats can go back and write a better bill and get 20 more Dems to support it and pass it. The Republicans who voted for this bill will still vote for it because they obviously understand the dire consequence of not passing a bill, so I don't think too many of the 66 Republicans would jump off a new bill. If the Democrats can get enough votes for a better bill, this will turn out to be a good thing. What will make this bill better? Transparency, making sure that Wall St. finds a way to pay the Treasury back and REGULATIONS on these rules that allowed for these horrible sub-prime loans to be handed out.

Now if nothing happens, if we can't get a bill passed, the stock market could very well crash, everyone who has money in stocks even a tiny bit of your retirement fund, we will all lose it. Also international markets are suffering and if nothing is done, the whole world is going to get kicked in the nuts, not just our country.

This promises to be a major major world catastrophe and it is such a shame that Republicans in their reign of power from 1992 to 2006 paved the way for this catastrophe by deregulating the rules on banks and creating an anarchic capitalism which destroyed the country's credit and currency.

Now, if Barack Obama wins, he has to deal with this horrible mess and he will have to put his priorities of helping Americans on hold until this situation is solved.

We're basically screwed! The blame lies squarely on the House Republicans of 2008 and everyone who has ever voted in favor of de-regulating the banks. The House Republican leaders came out in favor of the bailout, however they urged their members to vote their conscience, basically giving them the green light to vote against the bill. Well, they ran the green light and now they are blaming the Democrats.

Guess what? Americans are not stupid and they are going to see right through the Republicans and vote for change. If they don't they're fucking idiots and deserve to be homeless.